MZ Saying Goodbye to Mobile Gaming

Whether or not they want to or realize it, they just did. They unleashed a new level of greed that only the top 2% or 1% of players can stomach.

Players of Game of War and Mobile Strike have hated and loved their Ponzi scheme addiction. Maxing accounts, or mid ranging as a trap. They always knew what was going on until the next update, then they figured it out.

What changed was Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy XV was the testing ground. This new crossover re-skinned GOW/MS copy introduced one new key component to drive in-app purchases. At least that is what MZ thought.

In FFXV you have no idea of what upgrade exists beyond the next one unless you look around at other players. No more published max limits, just all the players guessing. You have no idea what you get for jumping two levels, or how much it will cost.

So how do you introduce this into an established game? Apparently, MZ decided best to just do it without even notifying its own customer service people.

Over the past weekend confused and unaware veteran players where zeroed left and right by the super rich players who figured it out, and could afford to quickly buy past what everybody else thought was max. In fact, the current theory is there is not a max, only how much you spend.

In one weekend, they threw away some of their most valued customers. Customers that have spent tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years playing their free game.

Over the next week or so, I fully expect the isolated players, those playing in their own little kingdom bubble, to start feeling the sting.

Sorry friends I played with and value, this is not the beginning of an end, it IS the end 😦


80 thoughts on “MZ Saying Goodbye to Mobile Gaming

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  1. As if your not spending enough already, They will take your rss ( the rss that hasn’t been opened) To make you buy packs. Or they will cause you’re a shield to drop. Then you get zeroed. Better yet you get booted off the game and can’t get back on to shield etc……
    I will not put another dime into Mz pockets. And don’t get one of the big spenders hero. Go back a few weeks later and your kill is not showing. Not on your graveyard or there’s. I’m done.


  2. Biggest problem is, when everyone adapts to a sh that is not obtainable by anyone except the 1%, it leaves the average rally leader without targets. Trapping is great but having your teammates fill your rally and burn another sh is the best. Now they have taken that away. I am also on my way out😞


  3. Yep, GoW is officially over ….well at least they are done taking mine and housings if other people’s money….ctesse and others will keep it funded for a little I think….


  4. What amazes me is how many people did not recognize what MZ games were from the moment they downloaded one of their now 3 products – or at least for those who did in the last 2.5+ years. In the winter of 2014/15 after the success of the launch and advertising campaign for GoW, MZ (and it’s stakeholder investors) made a strategic decision to turn GoW, and the games that followed into the blatant bait and switch scams they are. Instead of being a dedicated developer focusing on the creation and development of long lasting quality games that would earn huge followings like some of their competitors products, they decided to turn their operation exclusively into a smoke and mirrors sweatshop, where their primary objective was to misrepresent and deceive about every aspect of their operation, including the inner workings of the games themselves.

    Anyone who has paid the slightest bit of attention should have recognized what MZ has been doing. They spend huge amounts of effort and capital to misrepresent what their products actually are like, particularly with MS and now the FF game. Not only do they falsely advertise and fraudulently misrepresent the games as being something they are not, (look at advertisements and game descriptions) they also spend significantly and focus heavily on the fraudulent manipulation of the data the app stores collect and use to rate the apps. It is as obvious as it gets that MZ employs click farm/review mills to skew the ratings of all their apps to try and keep them ranked in the top 10, and those manipulating services have been working overtime lately. And it’s no secret (much to MZ’s delusion) that they insert huge amounts of faux players into their games to help them create an illusion that it’s okay to be stupid and spend thousands of $ on a low quality bug riddled mobile phone app, therefore influencing the weak minded into doing the same. Those faux player accounts are also funded by MZ in such high amounts that it manipulates the app store ratings for highest grossing apps; and the kicker is they get most of that money back after the app stores take their cut. MZ then takes those fraudulently obtained stats and ratings on their scam products and inserts them into a pitch deck to try to fool potential investors that are too lazy to do a proper due diligence, or contrarily – to get someone to jump in on the get rich quick gravy train.

    Apple and Google are culpable and negligent for allowing these misrepresented, low quality, bug riddled products on their stores that directly violate (in many areas) the developer TOS for having a listing on their stores.

    Perhaps someone can look into why this is not enforced on MZ by Apple.

    I understand Google and Amazon have similar TOS

    IMHO – At the end of the day – the only way to get the developers like MZ to change is to have their apps removed from the distribution points. That’s where the focus should be.


    1. People knew what it MZ was, it’s not as if we are all bewildered idiots. 🙄 Some people don’t care, we people are under the impression that it’s just a release period that they joined, that the updates will stop.

      The updates have been increasingly more aggressive over the last few months, so some people are already attached to the game. And a lot of people are more turned off on a moral stand point.


  5. Wish I worked at MZ customer support.
    They do fuck all 😂😂
    Sorry, they genetically do fuck all 😂😂


  6. This isn’t the end of mobile gaming for MZ, it’s a continuation of the same scheme on a different game. Final Fantasy XV is a mobile game. The creators of Final Fantasy worked with MZ, starting in 2016, to create a mobile version of Final Fantasy based off of the success of GOW/Mobile Strike.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. you can’t even buy them with gold only with loyalty points. It would take you to three weeks just to get a 24-hour Shield with loyalty points. Same thing with teleports they’re priced out of range with only being with the purchase them with loyalty points. I have had some conversations with them and I was told that they are doing this on purpose. Its true over 90% of the people that I’ve been playing with over the past 4 years have quit and we only log on to chat and watch nobody spends anymore it’s ridiculous in Game of War.


  7. I’ve played GOW for 3 years now and I am done. They openly admitted there was a glitch with so many solo and rally one hit zeroes. Their response was just spend more and rebuild your empire or shield. I could’ve bought a house or paid off student loans with what I spent over the last 3 years.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. True story. Many veteran players/spenders in my kingdom and some entire alliances have quit in the last 72 hours. I am one of those that will miss what GOW was and not take part in what it has become.


  9. I’m done ✅ honestly MZ is so fucking greedy! Mother fuckers once was fun but honestly their greed for more and more money and sadly we the gamers buying hundreds if not thousands of pounds, euros, dollars, pesos etc.
    This is so ridiculous new gears, banners, speed ups, T8’s etc it’s never going to stop! While customers keep buying and buying and buying MZ will always be like fucking Hyenas ready to steal every cent you work your ass off for. It is your money and you can do as you like with your money but I am done no more I’ve spent a good amount on this game and MZ has won the battle but fuck me if it will win the war, greedy mother fuckers!!!!!!!! I hope one of you MZ fuckers is reading this! Eat shit and piss off!


  10. Machine zone is the most stupid company I’ve ever saw in my life, their damn stupid greedy ass let everyone quit, they’re nothing but theives, I admit spending around 100k $ on this game & I will really regret it for my whole life. Now they can get nothing but shit those dumbfucks.
    All of our alliance quit, my account is maxed with 490KT power, throw it away last night to be zeroed..I won’t play this fucking game anymore…
    Fuck machine zone, its owner, & each & everyone of the staff..Bunch of losers..


  11. Left fame month and a half ago using gold to putn30 day shields on and collectingnathenanfreebes but by the time you read this my sh will be so far behind i to take a firecracker to ir2. Oh nm up mzs arse


  12. Hello I capped a rally the other night in research gear from a level 39 sh and a 1.3b rally I had 355kt power and my research gear was gemed research and I used no boost now watching people 600kt to even over 1mt get zeroed from solos even Rally’s is B’s if you ask me and the mz say tough luck just buy more packs and rebuild I’m done buying unless they totally change and fix this shit I’m going to stay unshielded and keep training meat troops when I can and if I get zeroed I’m calling it quits


  13. mz=money zone.
    I have accounts in both gow and ms. I used to enjoy playing and figuring out configurations that would allow me to cap much larger players. Now it is whoever can buy the most new toys wins. those of us who have been loyal paying players over the years are getting tossed aside in favor of the whims and wishes of the ultra rich. most of us cannot continuously shell out money every day for the latest and greatest item, especially when a version of that item was released only days before. mz’s greed will be it’s downfall.every day people are quitting and whenever we notice a new player we warn them on the sad state of affairs these games have become and let them know it is in their better interest to delete the app. Shame on you MZ for shitting on your loyal customers in favor of your rich ones. when all of us have quit, your ultra rich will have no victims to destroy. they will become bored and leave as well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have contacted an attorney that has said we have a valid lawsuit against MZ, and not just MZ but Google and iTunes as well. Google and iTunes are the ones that collect our money and will be the ones to do refunds. If you are sick and tired of the same bull shit responses from MZ and never getting any resolve to the issues join my self and others in a class action lawsuit against them all.

      Individually we can do nothing, but together as consumers we can and will put a stop to their greed.

      I sat and watched as a quarter of my alliance was zeroed by a sh 41, even though MZ claims that level isn’t available yet. I have spent way too much to see my account zeroed from a freakin solo. MZ admitted there was a glitch but assured me all boosts were working properly when I was attacked.

      I am done. I want see them bankrupt. Replacing everyone’s troops that were lost is not enough for me any more. I am willing to take a stand for all players that have been wronged by the schemes.

      Want retribution and revenge, join my self and others as we put a stop to this bull shit.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. If you have the line app you can contact me there and I can add you to the class action law suit room. My line id is queenb1tch69. If you do not have the line app you can email me at and I can send you the information from the attorney that way.


        1. If you have the line app you can contact me there and I can add you to the class action law suit room. My line id is queenb1tch69. If you do not have the line app you can email me at and I can send you the information from the attorney.


      1. How and when is this law suit going to happen? I spent over 3k on this game and really didnt have the money! I just happened to get a small inheritance and promised my self this is the last pack! I am also a recovering drug addict clean for 10 years but i would of rather spent the money on drugs atleast it would of been fun! I want my money back or atleast some of it


        1. The law suit is in the works. There will be multiple attorneys handling the case since it is a global issue. This will not be something that is done overnight. It will take a little time, but for me it is worth it not only for my self but for every player on every platform.


  14. Lol So.. this game…. even for me it’s been quite interesting to watch … probably put about 250k into the game.. It wasn’t even about the money…. I could honestly careless… but as a company mz has proven that they are out to rip every one off with there investment… wonder if there is a way to sue this company for stealing .. as for the beloved Final Fantasy franchise… horrible mistake…. ruin a loved name and partner with a company like MZ .. I bought PlayStation just to play FF but now I feel disgusted… Hope someone robs the president of MZ I would cheer them on 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤗🤗🤗


    1. “even for me it’s been quite interesting to watch … probably put about 250k into the game.. It wasn’t even about the money…. I could honestly careless… but as a company mz has proven that they are out to rip every one off with there investment”

      So… You spent 250k to watch MZ rip people off? I somehow have a feeling those royal princes out of the war torn countries in Africa looking to save their families fortunes have had some success with in getting a response to their emails from you… eh?. Eye, Yeye, Yeye…


  15. Who rather spend $250k on a bunch of greedy strangers from MZ than buying a couple of nice car or a big diamond ring that may really change your life for real?

    Liked by 1 person

  16. we all have a lawsuit, if you look at ur reciepts. everypack ends in 99 cents, after 40 or 50 cents the change dissapears. its so lil amount nobody pays attention.. its happend three or four times. ive emailed mz and have never gotten a straight answer.. besides them having there own workers create accounts, zero people for more money. im sure everyone knows a player or two that has new gear soon as its out, along w new everything to quik.. thats there company people..

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Had my alliance zero me tonight. Saving my money for really important things like coke and gambling. 386kt now 2.3 tril.


  18. Most games have their glory days and died. MZ knew that it’s days are numbered and so they try to suck as much blood out as the remaining addicted and rich players and then go out with a bang.

    Don’t be the victims!! Keep you money and do something nice for your family.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Seems to be true
    So many new things no time or money to learn how to playi
    I have been playing about three years and am totally no longer interested

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Wow I thought I was fed up with Yer Money is ourZ(MZ) after spending 13K over 4 yrs,but there are some really angry people in here,it makes me sick 🤢To see that somebody says spending 250k on this game has, NP with the way those money grubbers treat us,man I can think of 250k people that would appreciate having an extra $1000 in thier pocket/bank acct,have you ever heard of philanthropy,now that is something that can put a smile on a persons face,or even better yet,why not spend 50K on a small house and give the deed to a homeless family that really needs the help,the feeling of self gratification you get from being ruthless and untouchable in GoW,would be even greater for doing something awesome for somebody that really needs the help

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nobody said that person didn’t do any of those charitable things. What people do with their money is their business, the way people treat people, is the community’s business.

      Liked by 1 person

  21. I would like to join the class action lawsuit. I had 2 accounts both 100+KT accounts that were zeroed in one hit! After all the money I have spent to get treated like this is major BS! If anyone has any info on the lawsuit please line app me @ Death2U187. Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

  22. I have playing for 3 years , got many accounts, but now can’t continue paying those prices I am hero 115, SH 41…but just can’t go on , I have spent many thousands of $$$ don’t even want to figure how much ……you can catch me on Line name is KASS

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Played this game from 2 weeks after the start, I got banned for 3 days because I sent hundreds of mails about an issue I had, they denied and denied me and 6 months later they sorted my problem out, Iv spent way over 100k on this game, and now I can’t do anything apart from chat , end of the day were treat like crap because it’s money money money, I fully believe they didn’t expect to get as far as they did , and weren’t ready, but they had enough time and enough money to sort every issue that has plagued this game , I firmly believe the company wants to go bust or the game franchise to die, or if they do they would at least do the minimal they have to do, I’m going to get my money back, 100% join the lawsuit guys , there are some amazing people across gow and ms and even final fantasy that have made it possible to fight back, have a voice we’re going to make them hear us

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How do I ‘join the lawsuit’?? … My account is in the same state as many others here… Fully maxed rally leader holding the wonder to a solo zeroable target overnight… They’ve basically demanded that we all pay big for the new research immediately, or stop playing. TOTAL SCAM… so if there’s a lawsuit, I definitely want in please!!!!!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. We are on line app, if u have that please add me, “bipolarbear23” and message me something along the lines of you saw the post on here , just be weary I have lots of people to add and may take a day to add you☺️

        Liked by 1 person

  24. One more “fuck you MZ”
    THIS for fucking up this game you!! greedy basterds!!

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Well mz can kiss my ass. I have spent lots with them. Now I hope they get the fleas of a thousand camels each. I will not spend another penny as even when I have had issues they don’t fix. Like items I n packs they didn’t put in account or they just bow me off. #gow fuck your game and your greedy ways

    Liked by 1 person

      1. This is the type of person MZ loves to have as a customer – just flat out stupid. By definition the accounts that have been abandoned are farms. But this rocket scientist doesn’t recognize it. LMFAO

        Deprive these idiots of more stupidity – before dropping off of game, deconstruct all RSS producing plots, train/promote troops to use all RSS currently in queue, then dismiss all troops and be done with it…. someone will get the hero and execute 1 time, and then this will truly constitute a dead account… but the real idiots will still attack it to see the flames – true story, I have an old account I did that to and it still gets attacked over and over, sometimes by the same buffoons… even though the reports say zero. Go Fools, Go!!


  26. My son thinksMz banned my ip adres becouse having to mutch critic on them. So i can’t get in to the game and lost everything i bought with my euro’s.MZ is located in Great Brittan, still a EU member. This action of them will be put in a complayn to te Europian Union in Brussels!!


  27. Totally agree. It was an easy decision to give up MS over the past few months after their greed took over. Having spent 80k over the last 18 month’s. The number of Supreme Commanders still playing demonstrates that even at the top echelon they have a value proposition disconnect… I’ll find something better to throw my coin at.


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