Had to leave

“I walked away from Game of War about 3 weeks ago. Honestly in 4.5 yes of GOW I had spent over 32k USD in my last account but somewhere in the neighborhood of 80-85k total over the years in various accounts. For me it wasn’t the constant need to spend it was seeing people that just started get to where I was on less than I spent.

The game was fun in the beginning but with the Advent of cores the game began morphing from GOW (Game of War: Fire age) to GOW (Game of Wallets: Spenders wanted non-spenders or low spenders needed). When I say needed that is just it. Spenders needed the non or low spenders because frankly we are lazy, spenders buy to be the big kid and smalls well you guys feed us.”

The game has always been fun to an extent. The social dynamics of the game is what keeps people engaged. Lately the game has increased it’s pace on releases. Glitches, lags and instabilities still plague the game. A couple of years ago it was said they found that clouds, smoke and the glowing alter were the causes of the lag, glitches and instability. The clouds were removed, the forge quit smoking and alter quit glowing. Problem is the game continued to have issues.

As stated earlier these things were taken out but more recently they with exception of the clouds has been reintroduced. Glitches, lag and instability is still outrageous. The company constantly places the blame squarely on the shoulders of the players instead of taking responsibility for their own inadequacies.

There have been so many updates since January of this year that it is staggering. Many of my friends that were just like me and stayed current with the game when something new came out has decided that it is pointless to continue and thus have quit.  When a game “recreation” becomes a need to spend $100 and in most cases more on a daily basis to stay current then it is no longer a game it is an investment. Problem with this is that with investments there is an expected return on that investment. As of the posting of this I can honestly say that it was a $32k loss and one that I have gladly eaten to be away from a game that is no longer a strategy game as they claim.

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